Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hidden Treasures: Discovered

With his increased mobility, Nicky's curiosity also increased.  Since he can now cruise around the kitchen using the cabinets for balance, he's discovering what fun and exciting treasures lay within those cabinets!  On one such treasure hunt, Nicky discovered............ Tupperware!!!  Enjoy some footage of his adventures with the Tupperware cabinet below!


Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

OMG!!! I LOVE THAT CHARLIE BROWN SHIRT!!!! You need to put it on him backwards and draw in CB's face on the back of his head! And then post a picture, of course!

OH BOY! And it begins!!! Lock all your cabinets and warn the cats! Whoooohoooo!!!

Catie said...

He is such a doll! At least tupperware is safe stuff! Give him a big smooch from his Auntie in Texas. We'll see you soon Nicky!! :D